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Gift Cards

The Children's Place Gift Cards and Digital eGift Cards are always the perfect gift. Ordering them card from The Children's Place is easy, too - just choose the type of card, gift amount and quantity, and then send it to yourself or the recipient.

If you need a quick and easy gift, The Children's Place Digital eGift Cards are just what you're looking for. Customize them with a personalized message and then send when you need to. eGift Cards usually arrive within minutes, so you'll never be late!

Have a gift card from The Children's Place and wondering how to redeem it? Head to the checkout page when you're ready and proceed through the regular checkout process. Enter your gift card and PIN numbers on the payment page.

If the amount of your gift card doesn't cover the order total, you will be prompted to select an additional payment method. Unlike a credit card, the value of your purchase will be deducted from your gift card as soon as your order is submitted.

Please keep the used gift card(s) until your order has arrived and you are completely satisfied with your purchase. In the event of any order adjustments, cancellations or returns, the credit will be issued back to the original gift card used on the purchase (even if you lost or misplaced the gift card).

Another perk of The Children's Place gift cards? They can be used on both The Children's Place and Gymboree merchandise!

From fun and comfy kids clothing to convenient gift cards and services, make The Children's Place your PLACE for finding and giving the best gifts!