Shopping Bag

Registered Users

If you are a registered user and logged in to our site while shopping, your Shopping Bag will be saved for 14 days even if you log out or close your web browser, just log back in to retrieve it.

Please note that if you are a registered user and not logged in to our site, your shopping session will automatically be terminated when you close out of your web browser and the contents of your Shopping Bag will be emptied.

Note: If you place an item in your Shopping Bag, the item is not "reserved" for you and may still sell out until you have completed the checkout process.

Items that we no longer have available will be highlighted in red and you will need to remove it from your shopping bag.

Non-registered Users

If you are not a registered user or you are not logged in to our site, when you close your web browser while shopping, your shopping session will be automatically terminated in order to protect you.

To register, please click here.